Did you know that PRINCE2® is the world’s most popular project management methodology?
Exams have been sat in over 150 countries worldwide in over 20 different languages!
So what is PRINCE2? Well a good description would be that it is a clear start-to-finish project management methodology which will help you manage any project, of any size, and for any industry. It has had huge worldwide success and has been used by organizations such as the United Nations, the UK Government, Sony and many others.
PRINCE2 certification is made up of two levels, Foundation and Practitioner. The Foundation teaches you the method and then the Practitioner teaches you how to apply this to a real project. To ensure you can apply what you have learned, you should take Practitioner. To sit the Practitioner exam, you need to have passed the Prince2® Foundation.
PRINCE2 can be used on all types of project both large and small. The tailoring aspect of PRINCE2 means it can be used for the very small projects that last for days, or major projects that last for months with huge budgets. In the Axelos 2016 PRINCE2 report, it showed a virtually equal spread across all organization sizes, with a slight increase in adoption amongst organizations with 0-99 staff.
Many people think that PRINCE2 is purely a waterfall approach, however this is not the case, PRINCE2 does not specify a waterfall approach to project management. PRINCE2® should be tailored to meet the requirements of the organization and type of project, whether this is waterfall or agile.
So what are the benefits of PRINCE2?
For Organisations it allows you to effectively scope your projects, so everyone knows what the project will deliver, to whom, by when and for how much; it strikes the balance between effective governance while enabling the project manager to manage the project; gives robust reporting for all stakeholders to ensure that everyone knows what they need to know, allows you to identify and manage both the risks and opportunities to your project and ensures you can maximize your projects’ success.
For Individuals, well 85% of PRINCE2 Practitioners describe it as valuable to their current role; it allows you to position yourself in the job market; 85% of PRINCE2 certificate-holders said PRINCE2 helps with career progression; it is an easy to follow, repeatable “how to” method to running projects which can be tailored to any environment and allows you to fully understand the role of you and your team, including triggers, inputs and expected outputs.
If you are thinking of getting PRINCE2 qualified our comprehensive PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner training programme could be just for you. With our experienced and enthusiastic PRINCE2 trainer our practical, hands on course gives you all you need to get qualified. Visit our programme booking page to see our current schedule, or get in touch if you’d like to organise a private learning event for your team.
You can email us on training@underscore-group.com to book your place or if you have any questions.
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