Excellent course and trainer. I would recommend Susan on her delivery. Susan is a really knowledgeable and focusses on the customer needs in order to meet the desired outcome. All that have attend are already diving in to use what they have learnt so far. What I found most useful was the ability to try things out and put what you have learnt in to practise and the freedom to experiment in different ways in order to obtain the same solution.
I would recommend the course, there was a lot of content covered and Susan was very happy to focus in on keys areas of the course as we required. Priorities and areas of focussed considered for all delegates. Content put in to practise on live examples. Susan was more than happy to work on some challenges directly with us there and then. Susan is clearly very knowledgable and happy to support with all queries. Together we were able to work through some challenges in order to resolve. Susan also allows you to try things out and approach things in different ways but ensuring you are kept on track and thins are kept neat and tidy!

I would recommend the course, very good course. Tony was extremely professional. He had also spent some considerable time and effort setting up a computer network in the training room. Very well done. The overall training experience was very good. The trainer Tony was very well prepared. His knowledge of Linux is excellent. Due to this course my understanding and appreciation of Linux is much improved. The Venue is excellent. The car parking is very adequate and the administrative staff seem very efficient.

Paul, Unix/Linux Fundamentals

I would recommend the course to others, a good introduction to Linux that gives you the skills to carry out basic admin tasks. The trainer was knowledgeable and approachable. The course pace was about right and it was pitched at the correct technical level. Overall a useful course.

Michael, Unix/Linus Fundamentals