I would recommend the course, I found it very informative and easy to follow. Really great, it was my second course that I attended. Friendly atmosphere and lots of help provided. I like how Susan shows us how to do a task and then when we do the practical its based on different figures and scenarios so you learn better as your not just copying what Susan did blindly.

Total gas and power logoSasha, Total Gas and Power

Excellent course and trainer. I would recommend the course, good content and trainer.

Welland Medical logoMartyn, Welland Medical

I found the course to be very educational without being an overload of information. I think the ratio of people training to trainer to be very good as this meant Susan could offer support to everyone in the room. The written material provided was well present and is a fab idea to be able to have as a take home. I think it was good that the group was given material to work through to keep it interactive. I found it good that this material was different to what was being shown by Susan.

Willis Towers Watson logoRebecca, Willis Towers Watson

The course showcased the ease and efficiency of using Visio. Venue was lovely

Willis Towers Watson logoNatasha, Willis Towers Watson

I would recommend it as I gained a new understanding of the INDEX and MATCH functions that I wasn’t able to grasp, beforehand. Susan was an effective trainer who allowed plenty of time for any questions to be asked and answered and provided sufficient help during the practical exercises.

CAA logoDaniel, Civil Aviation Authority

I would recommend the course, really useful build on existing Excel knowledge. Susan adapts what she is showing to apply to your work. What I found most useful was All the ‘IFs’ and dates and times and building on dates and times knowledge e.g. networking days

St Catherine's Hospice logoHeather, St Catherine's Hospice

Excellent course and trainer. I really enjoyed this course. It was great to see demonstrations on how it all worked then to have a go ourselves. Susan was very clear and approachable which meant I was happy to ask questions when they arose. I liked the fact that it was a small course as it felt more personal and meant you were more engaged. The Gatwick Beehive was a lovely venue.

Willis Towers Watson logoMollie, Willis Towers Watson

I would recommend the course, the trainer has a lot of knowledge and takes time to explain tasks. Very good course, tougher than Module 2. I found it really useful being able to keep the books after along with the worksheets we had been using on the day. Very quick to register for the course and very good facilities.

Welland Medical logoRichard, Welland Medical

Excellent course and trainer, I would recommend the course as Lisa always adds beyond the course, by teaching you many shortcuts which will save so much time at work!

Willis Towers Watson logoCatherine, Willis Towers Watson

Excellent course and trainer, most defiantly would recommend to my colleagues. Material was well presented, venue and course are great

Total gas and power logoEkaterina, Total Gas and Power

I enjoyed formulas, COUNTIFS and SUMIFS

Mizuho logoJaya , Mizuho Bank

I most enjoyed MATCH, INDEX and Text functions. Thank you for the course which was very helpful. I was able to achieve my objective.

Mizuho logoReiko, Mizuho Bank

I would definitely recommend the course. I found VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, COUNTIF and SUMIFS most useful and I think the course is perfect.

Mizuho logoJing, Mizuho Bank

Excellent course and trainer. Yes, I would recommend it, the course was small which was good and allowed the trainer sufficient time to spend and check progress. Susan is very knowledgeable around excel and broke the formulas down into sections to build them which made more sense to me. The course was well paced enough to cover everything without needing to rush. The reference guide to take away was helpful.

Claire, Nuffield Health

Yes, I would recommend the course, Lisa was very clear in her explanations and very easy to talk to. The examples were easy to follow in order to understand how each function worked. Everything was done in a step by step process, so it was easy to follow and understand

Willis Towers Watson logoJohn, Willis Towers Watson

I would recommend the course, theory taught in an intuitive way with good examples to back it up. Really enjoyed the session. It was taught very well and followed on from where Excel 2 left off. The shortcuts and examples were very good.

Willis Towers Watson logoDaniel, Willis Towers Watson